Vacuum Pump Enlargement

How does it work? The vacuum in the cylinder causes blood to be pulled into the penis and increases the capacity of the penis to hold blood, making it thicker. The vacuum in the cylinder also stretches the Suspensory ligament for increased length.

When will I see results? After a few sessions your penis will be larger, thicker and heavier. This will last dramatically for several hours after pumping. During most of the following day, your penis will be longer in the flaccid state. Many of our customers outgrow their starting cylinder and move up to the next size in 4 to 6 months.

Is it painful? Is it safe? Vacuum sessions should be safe, comfortable and pleasurable. Many find pumping quite sensuous.

VIP Vacuum Pumps

Standard Size:
(for penis size up to 5")

RM119.95 Buy Now >>>

Large Size:
(for penis size up to 7")

RM199.95 Buy Now >>>

The Vacuum Pump

Vacuum erection pumps are used to treat impotence, a failure to either "get" a usable erection or failure to "keep" the erection up during sex. Another benefit of using a penis pump is a noticeable increase in penis length and girth, usually from the first use.

A vacuum penis pump can help you produce a really hard erection in about about 2 to 3 minutes. You can maintain this erection for as long as 30 minutes by using an elastic ring which fits around the base of your penis. In most cases, the result is immediate: you will be able to have sex the very first time you use the vacuum pump. Men experiencing impotence resulting from medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., will typically need to use the pump system each time they have sex.

How does the pump work?

A clear, usually acrylic cylinder is placed around the penis. At the end of the cylinder a hose is connected to a hand pump, which evacuates air from the cylinder. As the air is removed from the cylinder, the penis is pulled further into the cylinder and towards the walls of the cylinder, making the penis larger.


How much of a gain can you expect?

The answer to this question is quite obvious. It'll vary for each individual. Most get much larger increases in girth than in length. The area just below the head of the penis will often get much larger than the rest of the penis in girth, after being pumped for some time.

It's difficult to say how much of an increase in length will occur, but it's possible, while in the cylinder, to gain as much as 2 inches or more in length. The increases in girth will be larger and longer lasting. If you're more concerned about increasing length it is suggested that you buy a cylinder which is not too much larger in diameter than your penis. In a long, narrow cylinder your penis will get more of a pull in length, than of pulling outward (girth). Don't get it too small in diameter - you still need some room.

How long will the results last?

This depends on a number of factors. The length of your pumping session, the frequency of your pumping sessions, and the size you achieve with the pump on. It's possible, with strong daily pumping, to maintain the increases. Your penis will stay quite large for at least several hours after pumping but will return to normal size with no follow-up. It stands to reason that with continuous use of a vacuum pump over a period, increases can be permanent. Many pumpers who have been at it for several years will cite increases of two to three inches or more. If you are circumcised you can also expect more loose skin on your penis, so that you begin to develop a skin coverage of the penis head (a new foreskin).


General Advice on pumping

Shave the base of your penis and testicles back about an inch or more so that when you put the cylinder on you can get a good seal. You may wish to shave the day before you pump, because if you cut yourself while shaving and immediately apply the pump, any bleeding may be aggravated (though usually not by much...).

If you're goal is to increase your penis size, it helps to apply the pump with a hard-on already, though it's not required. When you begin pumping up, you may wish to press the cylinder against your body to keep your testicles from being pulled up into the tube. This is painful for some men (though some men pump them as well, to really big sizes).

The important thing to remember it to take is slow and gradual. Increasing the pressure too rapidly will cause bruising. Don't be overly worried about it though. Enjoy the experience. If you're healthy, any bruising usually goes away after a day or so. Don't push to the point of pain. If it becomes at all painful, release some of the pressure. Pump it up until you're at the highest vacuum level you can comfortably obtain. Leave it on for a while, watch television, read a book, surf the internet...

To obtain the best results from pumping you will need to go for longer periods of time, up to an hour. If you have more time, go for more. Your increases will be larger. As your penis gets larger, continue to increase the pressure, but only to the point where you are still comfortable and not in any pain. Most men are amazed at the size increases which are possible.

Warm Water Pumping

If you're using a hand pump many pumpers have reported that pumping while in the shower with warm or hot water can be very pleasurable. The warmth may also help the penis to expand. Give it a try.

Is Pumping Dangerous?

While vacuum pumping does carry some risks, when done carefully, it can be done safely. The most frequent problem is someone who goes overboard on the pumping, applying too much pressure to the penis. Applying too much pressure can result in temporary bruising or discoloration of the penis, water blisters, and minor bleeding. Most symptoms usually disappear after a few days. The important thing to remember is to go slow and increase the vacuum gradually over a longer period of time, so as not to damage the penis.

VIP Vacuum Pumps

Standard Size:
(for penis size up to 5")

RM119.95 Buy Now >>>

Large Size:
(for penis size up to 7")

RM199.95 Buy Now >>>

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